
  • Gabriel Nussbaum
  • Tatiana Prokhorova
  • Olga Bogdanova


Ключові слова:

theory of literature, dedication, dedicative strategies, dedicative criteria, artistic structure.


Abstract. This article is theoretical in nature. It considers various kinds of poetic dedications that are
traditionally accepted as components of an artistic work’s heading system. The article is an attempt to re-imagine this understanding of a text’s aforementioned element. This analysis aims to clarify the authorial dedication’s general character and forms of explication. To do so, the article’s authors employ comparative typological, structural-systematic, biographical, and cultural-historical methods of analysis. The study’s material is Russian lyrical poetry from the 18th-20th centuries (works of M.V. Lomonosov, V.A. Zhukovsky, P.A. Vyazemsky, A.S. Pushkin, V. Bryusov, I. Severyanin, S. Esenin, P. Ivnyev, N. Gumilyev and others), as well as some epical and lyric-epical works (A.S. Pushkin's «The Captain's Daughter» and «The Bronze Horseman»). As a result, this article reveals the specificities of a fully realized dedicative discourse, and distinguishes between various kinds of titular and extra-titular dedications. The authors show that the dedication is not always part of the heading system; they consider other kinds of dedications (the
acrostic, the date of composition as a display of dedicative intent, and other un-explicated forms of the dedication); they offer new criteria to classify dedications, and new terminological designations that can be studied and used to further clarify problems tied to the academic concept of dedicative strategies.
Keywords: theory of literature, dedication, dedicative strategies, dedicative criteria, artistic structure.


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