DOI:Ключові слова:
morphology, word formation, comparative studies, genetically distant languages, English, Arabic.Анотація
Abstract. The research deals with the problems of comparative analysis of word-formation in English and
Arabic. The authors examine the systems of verbal word-formation in the languages that belong to different language families and have different structure. The analysis is carried out on the basis of comparative typological method with the aim of finding universal and different traits in these systems.
This article discusses English and Arabic affixal verbs in terms of content. The choice of this object of study is due to the significance of the verb among the other units of the language and significance of word formation, which has the most important place in the process of enriching vocabulary of the language. Affixation is the most productive means of word derivation in English and one of the main ways of morphological derivation in Arabic, along with inner inflection and compounding. Word formation systems of English and Arabic verbs become the subject of a comprehensive contrastive analysis..
Keywords: morphology, word formation, comparative studies, genetically distant languages, English, Arabic.
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