
  • Yekaterina Konopatskaya
  • Indira Salpykova
  • Olga Shelestova
  • Izanlu Hasan


Ключові слова:

tolerance, the potential of pedagogical disciplines, mechanisms, organizational and pedagogical conditions, technologies.


Abstract. The article is devoted to the search for the solution of the problem of forming tolerance in students majoring in pedagogy. The multicultural and multinational nature of society in the Republic of Tatarstan, the intensification of the process of educational migration made the issues of multicultural education and upbringing of the younger generation timely. The solution of this problem is connected with the level of tolerance formation in teaching taff. Studies conducted at the Kazan Federal University show that at present this level cannot be considered sufficient for effective interaction with students, which affects the quality of education and upbringing. The given problem has determined the research purpose: to reveal potential of pedagogical disciplines in forming tolerance in students
majoring in pedagogy. The authors used the following methods of research: analysis of psychological and educational literature on the content characteristics of tolerance and aspects of its formation; the analysis of educational standards and programs of disciplines; systematization; synthesis. On the basis of theoretical analysis of available research and the authors’ own experience of working with students, the problem field of research was determined: forming students' tolerance in the multicultural environment of the higher education institution by creating organizational and pedagogical
conditions and selecting the means for their implementation. The means of implementing the organizational and pedagogical conditions offered by the authors are the disciplines of the basic and profiling components studied in the process of teaching students majoring in pedagogy. The data can be recommended to university lecturers, as well as to students for self-educational activities..
Keywords: tolerance, the potential of pedagogical disciplines, mechanisms, organizational and pedagogical conditions, technologies.


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