
  • Şengül Yalçınkaya




Abstract. Globalization and consumption culture have had an impact on the urban fabric as well as on all other areas. Consumption culture plays a key role not only in social and economic life but also in physical and spatial transformation of urban space. Urban actors have developed various strategies to enable cities to survive in this environment. In this process within the global economy, cities have started hosting new avenues that promote consumption, the most salient examples of which are iconic buildings. Cities today use iconic buildings to vie with each other, to gain advantage over their competitors and to create impressive images. This process began with the Sydney Opera House, and architecture has been increasingly involved in it to build landmark structures to highlight the values of cities and to create brand cities. The aim of this study is to reveal the characteristics of iconic buildings that are increasing in number and playing an important role in the creation of brand cities.The problem is addressed by the identification of features, concepts and situations related to iconic buildings, and the analysis of an iconic building. A literature review was conducted to highlight the significant aspects of iconic buildings. Iconic buildings are mostly associated with globalization, urban space, famous architects and buildings, and means and architectural understandings. These concepts are addressed with a focus on the Heydar Aliyev Center designed by architect Zaha Hadid. Even though iconic buildings are designed as physically unique and different, their aims and design approaches are similar.However, buildings that claim to be original will start, after a period of time, to look like each other and sometimes lose their value due to globalization and rapid spread of consumption culture
Keywords: Globalization, Brand City, Architecture, Iconic Buildings, Zaha Hadid


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