Abstract. Today, malt as a sweetener, flavoring and coloring can be used in different food products especially baby food, malt coffee, beverages and confectionary products. In general, several factors affect the rate of soluble solids and malt quality such as temperature and enzymes. The aim of this research was to determine the optimal level of these factors on the amount of solid material extracted from generative malt compared with normal industrial malt in the consumer market. In this regard, treatments were done at temperature level 51, 75 oC, Amiloglocosidaz, and Beta – Glucanase enzymes (Brix, PH and iodine test). According to the results, Brix and pH while the highest rate in samples processed at a temperature of 72 °¬C was observed, rising temperatures increase the Brix and pH values; however, changes in consumer glucanase and Amyloglucosidase enzymes, statistically significant differences in levels of Brix
and pH samples did not show. As a result, better treatments were done in order to achieve the greatest amount of Brix from Malta. The samples were processed at a temperature of 72 °¬C, with the enzyme by passing through was introduced. The results of this study showed that as temperatures rise more than change the type of enzyme is important.
Keyword: temperature, enzymes, Brix, Malt.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the united nations
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