Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between anxiety attachment style and problem solving skill. Therefore, this study focuses on whether there is a significant relationship between the mentioned skill and the anxiety attachment style. This is a descriptive correlational study. Students aged 15-17 of second grade of high school in Tehran-Dist.1 formed the statistical population of the study. Multistage cluster random sampling method was used, in which 5 schools (200 students) were selected out of the schools in District 1. The tools include Collins & Reid Attachment Style Questionnaire and Heppner & Petersen Problem solving Questionnaire. The results were analyzed using Pearson Correlation Coefficient and regression. The results indicated that there is a significant and reverse correlation between anxiety attachment style and the component of self-efficacy in problem solving, avoidance tendency and personal control with reliability of 0.99. So, it is argued that the increase in anxiety style can be associated
with decreasing the scale of confidence in self-efficacy to solve problems, avoidance tendency and personal control.
Key words: anxiety attachment style, problem solving skill.
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