Abstract. One tool that greatly improves the project performance is applying the "entrepreneurial marketing". This type of marketing is often well-known for applying in the project-oriented organizations. Understanding these conditions, the purpose of this study is to study the effect of entrepreneurial marketing on marketing capabilities and project performance in project-oriented businesses. The present study is the applied on based on the objective and the descriptive-survey one in terms of the research design. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. The statistical population of this study was marketing managers and experts in System Group Co. in Tehran. 96 questionnaires were distributed among the sample. Data analysis was performed using structural equation analysis and applying Lisrel8.8
software. The results of this study showed that entrepreneurial marketing has a significant effect on marketing capabilities and project performance in project-oriented businesses; on the other hand, marketing capabilities also have a significant effect on the project performance in project-oriented businesses.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Marketing, Marketing capability, Business Performance, Project-oriented
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