Abstract: Measurement of body composition is proving increasingly important in clinical nutrition and research. In current study we investigated about the effect of body composition on cisatracurium efficiency. In this descriptive cross sectional study, 180 patients with elective non-cardiac surgery under general anesthesia with muscle relaxation and under ventilation with ventilator referred to Shahid Modarres Hospital were selected randomly from simple random sampling. Fat mass and muscle mass(BMI and TBW ) in patients, that measured by BODY COMPOSION ANALYZER set, was recorded and compared with duration of effect time of cisatracurium, extubation time, cisatracurium dose during oeration , recovery time, and onset time Correlation between quantitative variables was determined using Pearson correlation coefficient and Spearman rank tests for statistical analysis of data using SPSS 21 software. In this study p value<0.05 considered statistically significant. it was concluded that duration of effect time of cisatracurium, extubation time, recovery time, and onset time were decreased with increased muscle mass but the cisatracurium dose during operation was increased, in contrast duration of effect time of cisatracurium, extubation time, recovery time, and onset time were increased with increased fat mass but the cisatracurium dose during operation was decreased
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