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Author Guidelines

Ars Linguodidacticae 

Paper submission guidelines 

To ensure a consistent format of the articles, authors are kindly requested to follow the following guidelines.

1. Paper structure:

  • УДК (for articles written in Ukrainian only)
  • Title of the article in Ukrainian/ English; title in English should be provided irrespective of the language of the article.
  • Authors’ first name, last name, sc. degree and affiliation in Ukrainian.
  • Authors’ first name, last name, sc. degree and affiliation in English.
  • Authors’ ORCID #
  • Abstract in English/Ukrainian (concise) (150-200 words with 5-7 key words) at the beginning of the text should be provided irrespective of the language of the article.
  • Abstract in English (extended) (300 words with 5-7 key words) should be provided at the end of the Ukrainian text
  • Abstract in Ukrainian (extended) (300 words with 5-7 key words) should be provided at the end of the English text;
  • Article body in Ukrainian /English 3000-6000 words including references and excluding abstracts;
  • Author’s bio in Ukrainian:, title, affiliation, research interests
  • Author’s bio in English:, title, affiliation, research interests
  • Correspondence in Ukrainian: e-mail, phone
  • Correspondence in English: e-mail, phone

Examples can be found in the archive of the journal

2. Paper submission guidelines

Papers are invited in Ukrainian and English. Papers should be between 3000 and 6000 words in length, including an abstract and up to 7 keywords and references. For detailed formatting in-text citations and end references, please refer to the APA style 7th edition ( or ( If you submit your article in English, we recommend that it should be proof-read by a native speaker.

Papers should be sent in DOC(X) format to the Editors at one of the e-mail addresses:,,  

3. Abstract and keywords

Papers submitted for publication in Ukrainian should include an abstract of 150 – 200  words in Ukrainian (concise) and an abstract of 300 words in English (extended) and 5 -7 keywords. Papers submitted for publication in English should include an abstract of 150 – 200  words in English (concise) and an abstract of 300 words in Ukrainian (extended) and 5 -7 keywords.

Structurally, the Extended abstract should include: Introduction/Вступ; Methodology/ Research framework/ Методологія дослідження; Results and Discussion/Результати та обговорення.

4. Format

All papers must be submitted in an electronic format. We accept Microsoft Word, txt or rtf files, preferably Word for Windows .doc files. If your article contains symbols or any other elements that you predict might present technical problems, please enclose a PDF file for the convenience of the editors. 

4.1. Page and margins

The A4 pages should be set in a single column format. The margins should be set at 2 cm top and bottom and 2 cm right and left. All sections including References must have the same width and depth of type page.  

4.2. Font and Spacing

Use Times New Roman. The main text should be in 12-point type. For phonetic transcription, please use the IPA symbols (or any consistent system). Space between lines is defined in terms of points. The main text should have a spacing of 1.15 points. Do not use ‘double-spacing’ or ‘one-and-a-half-spacing’. Choose the option ‘space precisely’, then define the exact size of points. 

4.3. Title, authors and affiliations

Skip one line and write the title in bold, 14-point type, and left justified. Skip 1 line and write your name and affiliation in 12-point type bold and italicised. 

5. Sections of the article

Sections of the article must be numbered sequentially starting with 1 up to the third level (e.g. 1.1.1). Wherever possible, use the section numbers for cross-referencing within the article. First level headings should be left-justified, boldface, 12-point type. In section titles, only capitalize the first word and any proper names. Second level subheadings should be left-justified, boldface, italicised and printed in 12-point type. Third level subheadings should be left-justified, italicised and printed in 12-point type. Do not use headings other than these three types. The paragraphs are with indentation (1,25cm). Remember to skip one line before the next heading. Note that one line has been skipped immediately after the heading.

Please, follow the indicated structural pattern of the paper:

1) Introduction (concerns the problem of research)

2) Theoretical background/Literature review/ Review of literature (includes the review of the basic and latest research and publications)

3) Article aim/ Research objectives/Research questions

4) Method/Study design/Research framework/Methodology. This section should include: Participants, Data collection Analysis and Method subsections research procedure. 

5) Results and Discussion.  

6) Conclusion with implications for future research.  

6. Footnotes: Use footnotes numbered sequentially. Footnotes should be indicated in the main body of the text by superscripts outside punctuation and they should be in 10-point type with 1,0 spacing. 

7. Citations in the text

Always give author’s name, year and page number, the latter in parentheses. Use double quotation marks:          “ e.g. Validity is defined as “the extent to which an evaluation measures what it is designed to measure, such as translation skills” (Williams, 2009, p. 5).

Long citations over 40 words: Indent by one tab either side, one space above and below. Do not include quotation marks.

According to Williams (2009, p. 5) reliability is viewed as

the extent to which an evaluation produces the same results when administered repeatedly to the same population under the same conditions’; thus, for the assessment procedure to be reliable the evaluators have to be consistent in their judgments and apply stable criteria.

For more information how to provide direct quotation in the text refer to Quotations (

8. References in the text follow the normal author-date style: (Campbell 1997, p. 62); Campbell (1997) states that … Separate works referred to in the same parentheses should be listed in alphabetical order: (Bell, 1992; Campbell, 1997, 2001). Use et al. in case more than two authors are involved (but give full names in the References).

8.1. All figures, tables and diagrams must be numbered consecutively and supplied with captions in 12-point in italics. Tables usually show numerical value or textual information and are almost always characterized by a row-column structure. Any type of illustration other than a table is referred to as a figure. In-text citation of tables: as seen in table 1 or (Table 1).

Table 1

The Results of Question 13 Gauging Teachers’ Confidence of Performing the CEFR/CV-related Activities

Question 13


I feel confident when…

Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

applying an action-oriented approch in my teaching.

8 (15.3%)

33 (63.5%)

8 (15.3%)

3 (5.8%)


locating scales/descriptors in the CEFR when needed.

9 (17.3%)

30 (57.7%)

10 (19.2%)

3 (5.8%)


Figures may be a chart, a graph, a photograph, a drawing, or any other illustration or non-textual depiction. Any type of illustration other than a table is referred to as a figure.

Figure 1

Stages of Questionnaire Design

For more information how to cite tables and figures refer to ld.php (

9. The reference section headed References (left-justified) should contain all works cited in the text, and only those, and they must be listed in alphabetical order of author/editor, with complete bibliographical details. Journal and book titles must be given in full and must be italicized. Page references must be given for articles in books and journals. There should be no extra space between entries. The second and subsequent lines of each entry should be indented – 7 spaces (automatic default in Microsoft Word). Where more than one work by the same author is listed, the author’s name should be repeated in each entry. See example below.


Aoyama, R., & Denton, L. (2022). Creating space for World Englishes perspectives in the ELT classroom: Voices of high school students in Japan. TESL-EJ: The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, 26(1), 1-21.

Calafato, R. (2020). Evaluating teacher multilingualism across contexts and multiple languages: Validation and insights. Heliyon, 6(8), 1-10.

Calafato, R. (2021). Teachers’ reported implementation of multilingual teaching practices in foreign language classrooms in Norway and Russia. Teaching and Teacher Education, 105, 1-13.

Cenoz, J., Gorter, D. (2020). Teaching English through pedagogical translanguaging. World Englishes, 39, 300–311.

NB! It is advisable that a list of references should include at least 50% of scholarly works published within the last 15 years.

9.1. Cyrillic titles should be transliterated in Latin script. In square brackets, provide the translation of the title of the source.

Yakovleva, O.V. (2016). Bahatomovnist u systemi vyshchoyi osvity: Chy ye nemenuchym konflikt mizh patriotyzmom ta prahmatyzmom? [Multilingualism in higher education: Is the conflict between patriotism and pragmatism inevitable?]. Multiverse. Philosophical Almanac, 9(10), 157–158.

10. The following reference conventions should be observed:


Campbell, S. (1998). Translation into the Second Language. Longman.  

Kelly, D. (2005). A Handbook for Translator Trainers. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishers. 

Chapter in a book

Aronoff, M. (2000). Generative grammar. In G. Booij, Ch. Lehmann, J. Mugdan, W. Kesselheim, & S. Skopeteas (Eds.), Morphology. An international handbook on inflection and word-formation (194–209). Walter de Gruyter.

Kirsch, C. (2020). Translanguaging pedagogies in early childhood education in Luxembourg: Theory into practice. In J. Duarte & C. Kirsch (Eds.), Multilingual Approaches for Teaching and Learning. From Acknowledging to Capitalising on Multilingualism in European Mainstream Education (pp. 15-34). Routledge.

Research publication in a journal

Любашенко, О. (2017). Проєктування комунікативної інтеракції як складника контрольно-оцінювальної стратегії навчання мови в університеті /O.Liubashenko. Proektuvannya komunikatyvnoyi interaktsiyi yak skladnyka kontrolʹno-otsinyuvalʹnoyi stratehiyi navchannya movy v universyteti [Designing communicative interaction as a component of the control and evaluation strategy of language learning]. ScienceRise. Pedagogical Education, 5, 37–41. (in Ukrainian)

Duarte, J., & Günther-van der Meij, M. (2018). A holistic model for multilingualism in education. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages. Special Issue, 5(2), 24-43.

Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1989). Multilingualism and the education of minority children. Estudios Fronterizos, 8(18-19), 36-67.

Dayton, K. J. (2019). Tangled arms: Modernizing and unifying the arm-of-the-state doctrine. The University of Chicago Law Review, 86(6), 1497–1737.


Baker, C. A. (2008). The seduction of loss [PhD thesis]. Southern Cross University. ePublications@SCU.

Wilfley, D. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal-weight and obese [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, United States.

Group (corporate) author with abbreviation

Council of Europe (2020). Common European framework of reference for fanguages: Learning, teaching, assessment – Companion volume. Council of Europe Publishing

Conference paper

Mason, I., & Missingham, R. (2019, October 21–25). Research libraries, data curation, and workflows [Paper presentation]. eResearch Australasia Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Online sources

The pictures taken from free internet sources are to be made references to. The references should be placed under the picture, font 10.



Scorsese, M. (Producer), & Lonergan, K. (Writer/Director). (2000). You can count on me [Motion picture]. Paramount Pictures.

YouTube video 

Bellofolletti. (2009, April 8). Ghost caught on surveillance camera [Video]. You tube.

Blog post

Hirst, M. (2009, April 3). Public television for $1 a day [Blog post].

The following reference conventions should be observed

For detailed standards and procedures, consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or the APA Style website at For more information refer to the AUT Library referencing guide and the APA 7th Manual.

The table is adapted and partially replicated from ld.php (

Reference type/

Тип цитованого джерела

In text citation/ Цитування по тексту

Reference list/

Оформлення списку використаних джерел


Book & ebook without DOI from research databases


One author

(Foxall, 2018) / (Foxall, 2018, p. 90)


According to Foxall (2018) / According to Foxall (2018, p. 90)


Include page numbers only for direct quotes and paraphrasing.

Foxall, G. R. (2018). Context and cognition in consumer psychology: How perception and emotion guide action. Routledge.


Include the DOI using the format


Book & ebook with DOI

Two authors

(Stavans & Hoffmann, 2015) /

(Stavans & Hoffmann, 2015, p. 98)


Stavans and Hoffmann (2015) stated that / Stavans and Hoffmann (2015, p. 98) stated that

Include page numbers only for direct quotes and paraphrasing.

Stavans, A., & Hoffmann, C. (2015). Multilingualism (Key Topics in Sociolinguistics). Cambridge University Press.


Include the DOI using the format


Book & ebook with DOI

More than two authors

(Ewert et al., 2014) / (Ewert et al., 2014, p. 16)


According to Ewert et al. (2014) / According to Ewert et al. (2014, p. 16)


Include page numbers only for direct quotes and paraphrasing.

Ewert, E. W., Mitten, D. S., & Overholt, J. R. (2014). Natural environments and human health. CAB International.


Include the DOI using the format


Book & ebook without DOI,

e-book without DOI from research databases

(Bolitho & West, 2017)


Bolitho and West (2017) stated that

See 1, 2, 3 sections how to cite authors.

Bolitho, R., & West, R. (2017). Internationalisation of Ukrainian universities: The English language dimension. British Council.


Northouse, P. G. (2015). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (3rd ed.). Sage.

Use the copyright date. For more than one publisher, list all publishers in the order that they appear, separated by a semicolon.

Include edition if available.

Do not include the database name or URL.


Article with DOI from research databases

(Duarte & Günther-van der Meij, 2018)


Duarte and Günther-van der Meij (2018) stated that

See 1, 2, 3 sections how to cite authors.

Duarte, J., & Günther-van der Meij, M. (2018). A holistic model for multilingualism in education. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages. Special Issue, 5(2), 24-43.


Include the DOI using the format



Article without DOI:

From research databases,


From a Print journal

(Skutnabb-Kangas, 1989)


According to Skutnabb-Kangas (1989)

See 1, 2, 3 sections how to cite authors.

Skutnabb-Kangas, T. (1989). Multilingualism and the education of minority children. Estudios Fronterizos, 8(18-19), 36-67.

Кузьмінська, Ю. (2017). Тенденції розвитку іншомовної освіти в Україні. Педагогічний Часопис Волині, 1(4), 16-21.

Do not include the database name or URL for articles from most academic research databases.


Open access journal article without DOI

(Dayton, 2019)


According to Dayton (2019)

See 1, 2, 3 sections how to cite authors.

Dayton, K. J. (2019). Tangled arms: Modernizing and unifying the arm-of-the-state doctrine. The University of Chicago Law Review, 86(6), 1497–1737.

Include the URL for articles without a DOI and with a nondatabase URL, e.g. free online journal articles. Create a short URL using



Edited book

(Cenoz, & Gorter, 2015)


According to Cenoz and Gorter (2015)

See 1, 2, 3 sections how to cite authors.

Cenoz, J. & Gorter, D. (Eds.). (2015).Multilingual education. Between language learning and translanguaging. Cambridge University Press.


Include a DOI after the publisher, if available.


Author of a chapter in an edited book

(Kirsch, 2020) / (Kirsch, 2020, p. 17)


According to Kirsch (2020) / According to Kirsch (2020, p. 17)

See 1, 2, 3 sections how to cite authors.

Kirsch, C. (2020). Translanguaging pedagogies in early childhood education in Luxembourg: Theory into practice. In J. Duarte, & C. Kirsch (Eds.), Multilingual Approaches for Teaching and Learning. From Acknowledging to Capitalising on Multilingualism in European Mainstream Education (pp. 15-34). Routledge.

Include a DOI after the publisher, if available.


A) Group (corporate) author with abbreviation

(Council of Europe, 2020)/ (Council of Europe, 2020, p. 54)


Council of Europe (2020) / Council of Europe (2020, p. 54)

Council of Europe. (2020). Common European framework of reference for languages: Learning, teaching, assessment – Companion volume. Council of Europe Publishing.


B) Group (corporate) author with abbreviation

First citation:

(New Zealand Health Information Service [NZHIS], 2003).

Subsequent: (NZHIS, 2003)

Use the full name throughout in your in-text references if there is no formal abbreviation of the group author (see the section above).

New Zealand Health Information Service. (2003). Report on maternity: Maternal and new-born inequalities in Aotearoa New Zealand. Otago University Press.


Do not include an abbreviation for a group author in a reference list entry.


For an article written in English

A publication in a language other than English  (When a paper (an article, chapter) is written in English, reference the source that is in Cyrillic in the following way: A)For the in-text citation, transliterate the name of the author in Latin script, e.g. reference Yakovleva for Яковлева in the text.  B) In the list of reference, transliterate the title in Latin script, then in square brackets provide the translation of a paper (you can usually find the translation of the title in the English abstract); C)if the title of the paper is not offered in English, then provide your own translation.


(Yakovleva, 2016)


According to Yakovleva (2016)




Yakovleva, O.V. (2016). Bahatomovnist u systemi vyshchoyi osvity: Chy ye nemenuchym konflikt mizh patriotyzmom ta prahmatyzmom? [Multilingualism in higher education: Is the conflict between patriotism and pragmatism inevitable?]. Multiverse. Philosophical Almanac, 9(10), 157–158.


Include a DOI after the publisher, if available.


Published doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis

(Baker, 2008, p. 8).


Baker (2008, p. 8) stated that

Include page numbers only for direct quotes and paraphrasing.

Baker, C. A. (2008). The seduction of loss [PhD thesis]. Southern Cross University. ePublications@SCU.

Include the database name and URL.


Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis

(Wilfley, 1989) / (Wilfley, 1989, p. 76)


According to Wilfley (1989) / According to Wilfley (1989, p. 76)

Include page numbers only for direct quotes and paraphrasing.

Wilfley, D. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal-weight and obese [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, United States.



Published proceedings: 


(Deci & Ryan, 1991) /


According to Deci and Ryan (1991)

Deci, E., & Ryan, R. (1991). A motivational approach to self: Integration in personality. In Proceedings of Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (vol. 38, pp. 237-288). University of Nebraska Press. 



Webpage, no date

(Athletics New Zealand, n.d.)


Athletics New Zealand (n.d.)

Athletics New Zealand. (n.d.). Form a new club.

When the author and site name are the same, omit the site name.


Webpage, with a date

(Monaghan, 2019) / (Monaghan, 2019, p.77)


Monaghan (2019) / Monaghan (2019, p.77)

Monaghan, E. (2019, December 10). 5 reasons modern slavery at sea is still possible in 2019. Greenpeace.

If the page you are citing includes a last updated date, use that date. Include the name of the website in the reference. Create a short URL using



A presented paper

(Lanktree & Briere, 1991)


According to Lanktree and Briere (1991)

Lanktree, C., & Briere, J. (1991, January). Early data on the trauma symptom checklist for children (TSC-C) [Paper presentation]. The meeting of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, San Diego, CA, United States.

After the title, include a label in square brackets that matches the description of the presentation e.g. [Paper presentation]. Create a short URL using



YouTube video or other streaming video

(MSNBC, 2020) or MSNBC (2020)

MSNBC. (2020, January 7). Julián Castro endorses Elizabeth Warren [Video]. YouTube.



All formulas are embedded in the text from the formula editor MathTypе 4.0, which comes with Microsoft Office. Font and formula sizes see (settings in MathType 4.0).


Each appendix must be labeled with a letter (A, B, C, etc.) according to where it appears in the paper. The first appendix referred to in the paper would be named Appendix A. If there is only one appendix, it is just called Appendix. Each appendix must have a title. Begin each appendix on a separate page. 


The article should be supplemented with information about the author/co-authors in Ukrainian/Russian/Polish as well as in English: first name, last name (patronymic), scientific/  academic degree, affiliation, research interests, correspondence (e-mail, phone) 


Authors are required to pay the manuscript handling fee only after their manuscripts have been reviewed and accepted for publication by an editor. The manuscript handling fee for ALL authors is 90 UAH per page.


 Publications should be original, technically sound, and clearly written in Ukrainian or in English. All submissions will be reviewed by the editorial board and peer-reviewed by the experts in a narrowly defined field who are qualified and able to perform reasonably impartial review. They will not consider the articles that: a) do not meet the journal requirements; do not have scientific novelty and practical significance; b) do not belong to the research areas of the journal; c) are not written in a competent academic language; d) lack new publications in the theoretical part of the article; e) violate the ethics of scientific research, particularly if editorial staff reveals plagiarism, self-plagiarism, data fabrication, duplicate publication. The submitted papers will be first reviewed by the editors for quality assurance, with papers not meeting the requirements returned as “not accepted”. Following this, each accepted paper will be assigned 2 reviewers who will assess the paper based on the quality of its contribution. Reviews are requested within 21 days of editor request with a decision issued to the author shortly thereafter.

Privacy Statement

Ars Linguodidacticae collects basic personal information such as names, and emails in order to maintain the publication process of submitted manuscripts exceptionally. No personal information is disclosed to third parties. All editors and reviewers involved in the editorial process must refrain from disclosing any information regarding the content of the author's original manuscript (in whole or in part), the status of the review process, reviewers' comments and suggestions, as well as interim or final review results to anyone other than the authors and reviewers. The editorial team ensures the confidentiality of reviewers in the double-blind review process. All individuals participating in the editorial process must refrain from making any comments and not disclose publicly any details of the editorial process, the review process during preparation for publication, and after the publication of the article. The editorial team does not retain copies of rejected manuscripts and does not publish comments or notes on them.