textual competence, translation into a foreign language, translator competency, competence modelAbstract
Background: Developing competence in translation into a foreign language (L2) has been a controversial issue in the translation pedagogy until recently. Even though several researchers have given insight into the construct of L2 translation competence, there are no investigations that purposefully focus on the structure of textual competence (TC) in L2 translation. Thus, the research idea behind this study lies in the necessity to specify the componential structure of TC in L2 translation that stems from the text-centered nature of translation and a practical imperative to prioritize it in translation training.
Purpose: The objective of the article is to reconsider the definition of Textual competence in L2 translation and specify its componential structure with a view to testing it empirically. The article also aims at revealing a specific skill or ability which distinguishes TC in L2 from TC in L1 translation.
Discussion: Conceptually, the investigation relies on PACTE’s approach towards modeling a Translator competence. The modeling procedure is carried out with a pedagogical purpose in the context of L2 translation training. The research framework of the study utilizes the following steps: 1) selecting the available models of Translator competence and educational translator training standards for the analysis; 2) analyzing the selected objects; 3) specifying the model of TC in L2 translation by identifying its components.
In the process of modeling TC, a specific L2 translation skill – editing the source text (ST) in case of necessity – was revealed. The skill which distinguishes TC in L2 from TC in L1 translation was identified based on the author’s personal experience in L2 translation and interviews with the translators who are engaged in Ukrainian-English translation on a regular basis.
Results: The study presented in the article has enabled defining TC as a system of underlying knowledge about text and text creation norms in two languages as well as skills and abilities to create various types of target texts that culturally fit into the target language norms. The componential structure of TC in L2 translation has been specified. The TC model is viewed as a three-dimensional construct that involves contrastive textual knowledge, skills and abilities of text creation and the capacity to choose and make use of proper external resources in the process of translation.References
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