



intercultural communicative competence, intercultural communication, interaction, competence, learning strategies, culture


Background. The goal of teaching a foreign language has always been the issue of debates in language teaching methodology. With emergence of Competence-based Approach the idea of teaching communicative competence became quite persuasive in this respect. Though, it can often be heard in teaching circles that language is culture and we should teach the language as part of culture. Therefore, witnessing the shifts in the goal of learning English as to enable learners to communicate their ideas and culture with not only native English speakers but also those of other cultures, the question of intercultural communication is inevitably indispensable in English language learning as far as students’ communicative competence development is of primary concern.

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the essential issues of the intercultural communicative competence structure and to define theoretical background for developing the didactic model of teaching this competence.

Discussion. The article discusses theoretical background of pragmatic aspects of teaching intercultural com­municative competence to Ukrainian speaking students in ESP educational surrounding. The author presumes that the learners of English will be more likely to use the language for interaction with non-natives rather than the native speakers. A noteworthy fact is that intercultural communication training promotes expansion of worldviews, strengthens motivation for language learning, enhances intercultural communication skills, improves content of foreign language education etc. To enhance the potential of foreign language classes in terms of developing inter­cultural communicative competence, it is significant to encourage students into participation in the network-based international language learning projects aimed at developing collaboration with the students from a variety of cultures using the same foreign language.

Results. It has been found out that the most effective activities for teaching intercultural communication are cultural assimilations, cultural capsules, mini-dramas, role-plays, social and cultural tasks, use of media, training, comparative and project technology. The assessment tools include tests, portfolios, observation, interviews, dia­ries, reports etc. They will help objectively identify the level of knowledge and skills as well as readiness for the intercultural interaction. Perspective for further studies is seen in the development of the model of teaching this competence to ESP students. The system of exercises to correlate with the model is to be developed as well.

Author Biography

Liliya Morska, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Dr.Sc. in Pedagogy, Professor,

Head of Department of English Philology


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How to Cite

Morska, L. (2018). TEACHING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND. Ars Linguodidacticae, (2), 12–18. https://doi.org/10.17721/2663-0303.2018.2.02

