public speaking, monologue, persuasive strategy, argumentative technique, emotive technique, value-based technique, model of teachingAbstract
Background: Developing speaking skills has always occupied a prominent place in foreign languages programmes. But nowadays, mastering public speaking has become an urgent need for Philology majors. It is therefore timely to research the communicative strategies used in public speeches and suggest the model for teaching public speaking to undergraduate students.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to characterise public speeches as samples of English persuasive speaking and develop the model for teaching public speaking to Philology majors.
Results: Public speaking employs persuasion as a key communication strategy. The persuasive strategy is realized through argumentative techniques (explaining logically the subject matter and encouraging the communication partner to accept necessary ideas), emotional techniques (creating the appropriate atmosphere and affecting the audience emotionally), value-based techniques (used to convince the audience by providing an assessment of the event).
The article differentiates the types of public speeches (inspiring speeches, propaganda, persuasive speeches) in the political and mass media contexts. In the process of training, students are supposed to master effective argumentative, emotive and value techniques as well as relevant verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal communication means to produce public speeches in English.
Discussion: Public speeches have been identified as effective material to teach persuasive speaking to Philology majors. The model of teaching public speaking to undergraduate students has been discussed.References
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