independent work, apophatic constructions, syntax of ancient Greek, functional semantics.Abstract
Abstract The goal of university education in Philology is not only to provide students with a certain system of knowledge and develop professional skills in them but also to equip learners with the techniques of independent research. Considering a limited number of publications on teaching classical languages and organization of students’ independent work on learning the syntax of ancient Greek, the author addresses linguistic and pedagogical aspects of organization of independent work of Philology majors in teaching apophatic constructions in ancient Greek.
Purpose. The article aims at giving insight into organization of independent work of Philology majors on learning apophatic constructions in the syntax of ancient Greek and analyzing the dependence of the use of apophatic models on the functional semantics of noun and verb forms.
Results and discussion. The analysis of literature on teaching classical languages and organization of students’ independent work in learning ancient Greek has enabled outlining the features of independent work of Philology majors in learning apophatic constructions in syntax of ancient Greek at different stages and allowed compiling a range of tasks on determining the influence of the syntax on the choice of apophatic model in prose and poetic texts of ancient Greek. Further research might involve experimental testing of the effectiveness of the developed model of the students’ independent work in teaching the syntax of ancient Greek
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