mastering prosody, intonation, prosodic competence of students, prosodic component of English language, senior pupils, prosodic component of pronunciation qualityAbstract
Background: The importance of mastering good pronunciation is undeniable. According to the current curricular for secondary schools, high school students have to produce phonetically correct speech. The purpose of studying phonetics is to shape the standard phonetic image of the phonemes and intonation patterns and make use of them in speech. The observation of the educational process shows that the level of prosodic competence of high school students in Ukraine is quite low, the special exercises and tasks for improving the pronunciation skills in textbooks are almost not presented.
Purpose: The objective of this paper is to develop a complex of exercises to teach prosody and intonation at high school. The authors examine the differences between English and Ukrainian prosodic constituents, and on the basis of this analysis suggests the ways to master each component in the developed tasks.
Results and Discussion: By focusing on certain differences between the prosodic systems of the English and Ukrainian languages the study presented in the article has provided possible ways to improve the prosodic skills of high school students. The further perspective of the study relates to developing, expanding, piloting and modifying tasks and exercises for mastering prosody
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