


motivational factors, text-based approach, competence in editing, linguistic norm, questionnaire


Background. With the variety of language norms in Ukrainian, the school faces a challenging the task of teaching students how to master effective text creation. The skill is built when schoolchildren are already aware of the motives of the actions and operations they carry out with the text: comprehension, oral and written production, transformation, and editing. However, the school curriculum in Ukrainian language envisages teaching editing as an additional activity targeted at applying the knowledge of the language norms learned in the course to text production.

Purpose: The aim of the article is to determine and analyze the motivational factors for the development of the editing competence of high school students and their use as a basis for the block organization of teaching Ukrainian text editing to the 10th and 11th graders of secondary school for effective learning of language norms.

Methodology. The study was conducted in November-December 2022; the participants were 10th- grade (n=25) and 11th- grade (n=24) students of specialist philology-oriented school № 98 of Kyiv. The survey included a short answer, which was mandatory for all students, and an extended optional answer (feedback) which could be provided by the schoolers who demonstrated a persistent cognitive interest in various aspects of the Ukrainian language as well as in editing. The research framework was designed by the authors of the article; its implementation involved consulting and assisting four Ukrainian language and literature teachers of the above-mentioned school: all of them are professionals with 9-16 years of teaching experience who were instructed in advance.

Results and discussion. The study compared motivational factors with the items of the AMS-28 scale (Vallerand, Blais) and confirmed the significance of considering them in the process of teaching editing to high school students. Additionally, this significance was confirmed by the feedback provided by the students. The conducted research has enabled designing the block of exercises and tasks to include in the high school curriculum for developing the skills of editing. The language norms are supposed to be mastered as a result of the analysis of editing techniques. Despite the positive results of the research, further studies are needed to examine training scenarios for individual editing techniques (comparison of textual variations, dictionary analysis, text transformations, error correction) as well as determination of motivational factors that influence the process of building editing competence for specific purposes (translation, creative writing, oratorical skills).

Author Biographies

Olesia Liubashenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Professor, Department for Teaching Methodology of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Literatures

Oleksandra Zaitseva, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Student, Department for Teaching Methodology of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Literatures


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How to Cite

Liubashenko, O., & Zaitseva, O. (2023). MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS OF TEACHING UKRAINIAN EDITING TO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Ars Linguodidacticae, (10), 4–17.



Teaching Ukrainian language in secondary school