problem-based approach, teaching Ukrainian syntax, bilateral design model (3C3R), surveyAbstract
Background. The problem-based learning presented in the study follows the 3C3R bilateral design model which is conceptually grounded in two types of components: three core Cs addressing the context, content, and connections of the learning problem (context, content, connection), and three action-oriented Rs involving research, reasoning, and reflection. These elements support cognitive processes for problem-solving skills and self-directed learning (Hung, 2009).
Purpose. The article aims to develop an innovative lesson based on the 3C3R model of bilateral design for problem-based learning, conduct experimental instruction in the 8th-grades of basic secondary school, and report the results of problem-based teaching a range of syntactic phenomena of the Ukrainian syntax such as apposition, comparative constructions, and subordinate comparative sentences.
Method. Theoretically, the research relies on the works of Ansarian and Teoh (2018), Yavir and Bilousenko (1992), and Kucheruk (2009). Additionally, it incorporates the use of the bilateral design model proposed by Hung (2006). The 28 participants of the experimental training involved eighth-grade students from Lyceum No. 2 in the Mogilev branch of the Hnivan City Council, (n=13), and Lyceum No. 4 in Berdychiv (n=15). The data were collected from students through a survey which aimed to assess the comprehensibility of the topic; evaluate the teacher's instructional clarity; and doing some language tasks.
Results and discussion. The study found that teaching syntax through problem-based learning significantly impacted the cognitive and emotional development of the learners. 75% of them confirmed that the presentation of problem-solving tasks was comprehensible, engaging, and clear. Most students grasped linguistic distinctions between the comparative constructions under study. Notably, 82.1% of the students accurately identified these syntactic structures in sentences. Further research perspectives are related to developing a rating scale for assessing the skills and techniques in problem-based learning; creating effective feedback mechanisms, and fostering a dialogue between teachers and students.
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