the English language competence of 10th-grade students in reading, blog resources, contextual situation in learning language, vocabulary, a set of exercises and tasksAbstract
Background. The article explores the effectiveness of utilizing English blogs as a tool to enhance reading competence among 10th- grade students in a secondary school. Drawing on insights from literature and lesson observations during teaching internships, it is noted that Ukrainian 10th grade students face significant challenges when applying their knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar to speaking activities.
Purpose. The primary objective of this paper is to investigate the pedagogical essence and practical value of incorporating blogs into English language classes in secondary school, to establish methodological principles for the formulation of a comprehensive set of tasks and exercises aimed at enhancing blog reading skills among 10th-grade students.
The methodology relies on the critical analysis of existing research on the topic and the authors' personal experiences in utilizing blogs for teaching reading. The formulation of tasks and exercises with the goal of enhancing English language competence in reading for 10th-grade students is grounded in a synthesis of research insights. Specifically, Pahomova and Halchenko's work on types of reading (Pahomova, Halchenko 2015), Campbell's blog typology (Campbell, 2003), and the discerning selection of content developed by Bax (2003) collectively inform this initiative. The integration of these research perspectives is harmonized with the stipulated guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine. This comprehensive approach ensures a scientifically rigorous and pedagogically sound framework for the advancement of reading proficiency within the specified educational context.
Results and discussion. In the context of learning English as a foreign language in secondary schools, the use of blogs has emerged as a valuable language learning tool. However, the effective integration of blogs within an instructional framework and the current research findings on their use as a learning tool pose unresolved challenges for teachers. Therefore, this paper provides a comprehensive review of research on the use of blogs in English learning contexts. The study introduces blogs and establishes a theoretical framework for their utilization within the parameters of complex and competency-based approaches. The literature review on the discussed topic reveals that blogging, as a communicative activity, is advantageous for developing reading competence in 10th-grade students, provided it is not excessively employed in the classroom. A set of tasks and exercises designed for reading blogs in the 10th grade must incorporate contextual communicative situations, augment students' lexical repertoire, cultivate grammatical competence, and facilitate the training of intricate phonetic instances. Blogging encourages students to express themselves, fostering self-confidence and providing an opportunity to practice social behavior rules during communication. Furthermore, this technique enhances students' creativity and fluency through active participation in various communicative situations presented in the English language class. Research confirms that employing English blogs in teaching reading to secondary school students can effectively modernize the educational process and motivate learners for intercultural communication. The potential for further research lies in developing a set of tasks based on the national curriculum for 10th- grade students.
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