



German language, learning method, grammatical competence, listening, speaking, "flipped class" technology, blended learning, infinitive constructions of the German language


Background. The mastery of grammar is a crucial aspect of the communicative competence of German Philology students. Therefore, there is a pressing need to identify efficient grammar teaching methodologies. One such approach is the "Flipped Class" technology that employs a combination of interactive classes and selfdirected learning to enhance students' grammar proficiency in speaking and listening. This approach also fosters students' independence and critical thinking abilities, as they are required to not only do grammar exercises but also plan educational activities, search for relevant literature, and assess their own educational progress.

Purpose of this study is to provide a theoretical basis for, develop, and test the effectiveness of the "Flipped Class" technology in building grammatical competence in German Philology students' speaking skills.

Results and discussion. The "flipped class" technology for teaching German grammar optimizes and rationalizes the allocation of time between independent and classroom work while creating individual trajectories of acquiring grammar knowledge and skills. This technology enables students to improve their language grammar skills and speech grammar skills in listening during independent work, while primary grammar skills and language skills, as well as reproductive grammatical skills in speaking, are developed during the classroom session. In addition, it allows students to develop learning autonomy and reflection. The use of this technology involves eight stages, where students do sets of grammar exercises and tasks, as well as tasks for the application of educational tactics and reflection. The results of the approbation show that the level of grammatical knowledge and skills of most students who studied infinitive constructions using the above-mentioned technology was higher than their average level of success.

Author Biographies

Vyacheslav Shovkovyi, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD, DSc, Full Professor, Department for Teaching Methodology of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages and Literatures

Tetiana Shovkova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

PhD, Department of Germanic Philology and Translation


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How to Cite

Shovkovyi, V., & Shovkova, T. (2023). TEACHING GERMAN GRAMMAR (INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTIONS) TO GERMAN STUDIES STUDENTS USING THE "FLIPPED CLASSROOM" TECHNOLOGY. Ars Linguodidacticae, (12), 34–52. https://doi.org/10.17721/2663-0303.2023.2.03

