
  • Є.А. Клопота Department of pedagogy and psychology of educational activities, Zaporozhye National University, Ukraine
  • Н.О. Воронська Department of pedagogy and psychology of educational activities, Zaporozhye National University, Ukraine


inclusive education, integration, adaptation, children with special needs, psychophysical development, communication.


The article outlines the main principles of an inclusive school. The analysis of concepts and the specifics of integrated and inclusive education are given. As a result of the theoretical study, the difficulties of introducing inclusive education in Ukraine are described in detail. The specifics of raising children in closed educational institutions are revealed. Also, there are some factors that need to be taken into account for the effective development of inclusive education.

Author Biographies

Є.А. Клопота, Department of pedagogy and psychology of educational activities, Zaporozhye National University

Doctor of Psychology, professor

Н.О. Воронська, Department of pedagogy and psychology of educational activities, Zaporozhye National University

post-graduate student


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