About the Journal

Scientific journal “Library Science. Record Studies. Informology”

The journal supports policy of free access

The year of foundation: 2004

Subject Area and Topics: The journal covers current issues of library science, record studies, social communications

ISSN 2409-9805

 State Registration Certificate: КВ № 21135-10933 ПР of 08.12.2014

Approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 26.11.2020 № 1471 as a professional publication of category B in specialty 029 - Information, library and archival affairs

The Journal is registered by the international scientific-metric systems: Google Scholar; Research Bible; BASE; Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL); CiteFactor; Crossref

 Periodicity: 4 times a year (March, June, September, December)

Acceptance of articles: until №1 - until February 15; until №2 - until May 15; until № 3 - until August 15; until №4 - until November 15
Language of Publication: Ukrainian, English (mixed languages)

Founder: National Academy of Culture and Arts Management
Editor-in-Chief: Dobrovolska V., Doctor of Sciences in Social Communications, Associate Professor
Executive secretary: Filippova N., Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications 

Editorial Board: Zbanatska O.M., Doctor of Science in Social Communications, Associate Professor (Deputy Editor-in-Chief); Bezdrabko V.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor; Bilushchak T.M., Candidate of Historical Sciences; Veretennikova N.V., Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications; Dubrovina L.A., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Zavalina O.L., Doctor of Information and Library Sciences (USA); Zbigniew Osinski, Doctor of Science, Professor (Poland); Kobelev O.M., Doctor of Sciences in Social Communications, Associate Professor; Kunanets N.E., Doctor of Social Communications, Professor; Lytvyn S.H., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor; Lobuzina K.V., Doctor of Social Communications; Maslak V.I., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor; Novalska T.V., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor; Parviz Kazimi, Doctor of Philosophy (Azerbaijan); Rzheusky A.V., Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications; Tur O.M., Doctor of Sciences in Social Communications, Professor; Cherednyk L.A., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.

Editorial office address: Lavrska st. № 9, room 204, building № 11, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01015

Tel.: +38 (044) 280-21-93

E-mail: nauka@dakkkim.edu.ua

Requirements for publications:


Focus and Scope

In the journal "Library Science. Record Studies. Informology ”of the National Academy of Culture and Arts for Top Managers covers topical issues of library science, record studies, social communications. The publication is designed for researchers, teachers, graduate students, students of higher educational institutions, as well as anyone interested in this issue.

Publication Frequency

Four times a year

Open Access Policy

The articles in this magazine are directly accessible to everyone, based on the principle that free and open access to research results helps to increase public knowledge.

Publication ethics

Within the editorial policy this journal stick consecutively to publishing standards of COPE Code of Conduct publications, approved by COP (Committee on Publication Ethics).

Materials are reviewed by members of the journal editorial board and/or by the external independent experts on the basis of objectivity and from the standpoint of the higher international academic quality standards, and edited.

Editorial board reserves the right for stylistic alteration of the typescript. 

Corrections are coordinated with the author which, in the opinion of the editorial board, can change the meaning of the text.

The editorial board of the scientific publication reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet requirements and topics of the collection.

Opinions and proposals expressed in articles do not necessarily coincide with the Editorial Board views. Reliability of the information in the articles, the accuracy of the names, statistics, surnames and citations are under the author′s responsibility.

The editors reserve the right for minor literary wording of texts and abridgements with the author's style retention.

Provided materials are not returned and can not be published in other scientific journals.

In cases of plagiarism authors are responsible for provided materials.