
  • Nadiya Bachynska



Library education, Biblical, book science, library science, bibliography, library course, library discipline


The purpose of the work. Identify and analyze the elements of higher library education in Ukraine and the effect of outstanding bibliotekoznavtsiv, bibliographies on its further development. The methodological basis of the study is determined by the need to study the evolution of the content of library education at the beginning of the 19th - the first quarter of the 20th centuries in Ukraine. It covers general scientific approaches to the disclosure of the topic: socio-communication, system, structural-functional, historical. With the use of which the comparative, historiographical and chronological methods were applied. This allowed us to highlight this historical period - as an initial stage of higher library education in Ukraine and to reveal the features of the functioning of educational institutions that contributed to its development. Scientific novelty is that work lies in the fact that studied the origins of library education: the beginning of the bibliography and teaching bibliology in Kremenets Lyceum at the beginning of the nineteenth century. and arrangements for the formation of the library and course of education in the early twentieth century. The contribution to the development of library education domestic theorists and practitioners of librarianship Yarkovsky P., L. Khavkina, K. Rubinsky, Siropolka S., A. Didrihsone, Bagaley D. et al. Conclusions. The initial stage in the development of library education in Ukraine related to the teaching of courses in library orientation Kremenets Lyceum, which started in the early nineteenth century. outstanding bibliotekoznavets, bibliographer, librarian, teacher P. Yarkovsky. The gradual development of professional education took place thanks to the prominent companions of library Khavkin L., K. Rubynskoho, S. Siropolka, A. Didrihsona D. Bahalii, A. Pokrovsky et al., Which in the early twentieth century. organized library training course in different cities of Russia as well as Ukraine, first developed curricula, programs and courses that give not only professional knowledge, but also a broad general education.


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