Web Quest, an interactive teaching methodology, web, design, self-study work, educational process, the future students of documentationAbstract
The purpose of the work. The research is analyzing features associated with the proliferation of web quest technology as a form of interactive self-study of documentation for future students of documentation: their types, structure, impact on the quality of future practice. Methodology of research is to apply the theoretical methods (documentary analysis, analytical and synthetic processing of information, comparison) revealed and summarize handling of problems related features using web quests in education, changes in the content of vocational education, improving of the educational process in which as a result of increasing the proportion and the importance of independent work. The scientific novelty of this work is as follows:consider your web quest as an interactive form of independent work of students of the future of documentation,which affect the process of preparation for future practice, develop project task of independent work on discipline “Administrative Documentation”, based on the results of the analytical study certain issues in professional field that is logical and compositional design, executed with the proliferation of terms related Internet resources which focused on the results obtained during the simulation game aimed at training up the Web quests work has materializes in the form of multimedia presentation, whose function is to highlight research activities of students, their results in the performance of individual work. Conclusions. It should be noted that Web quests enhance activation of students’ self-education and self-study. The main significance of this is allowed activation in the process of creative direction future students of documentation to expand the scope of information and presentation of feeling, form and improve certain cognitive abilities, the ability to separate receive and apply knowledge in practice.
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