
  • Viktor Karpov



State Flag of Ukraine, State Emblem of Ukraine, National Anthem of Ukraine, Symbolism, State, Ukraine


The purpose of the study is to identify the historical foundations and their influence on the approval of the symbols of statehood from the moment of independence, studying the process of formation of the national symbolism of Ukraine. Research methods. The basis of the choice of methods of study were the foundations of scientific objectivity and historicism, systematic and comprehensive study of the scientific problem. The historical-chronological method, methods of analysis and synthesis were used in the study, which allowed to trace the processes of the emergence, formation and development of state symbols in dialectical unity and in chronological sequence with their internal and external connections, laws and contradictions. The use of these research methods contributed to obtaining their own theoretical results. The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in the formulation and development of an actual topic, which in scientific terms did not receive comprehensive and objective coverage. The idea is based on the fact that state symbols, besides the applied nature, have a purposeful ideological significance and play an important role in the formation of a nation. The notion of «symbolic definition of statehood» is a system of value-meaningful meanings in the time space that contains its mentality, spiritual content and symbolism. Conclusions It is alleged that the symbols used in the history of the Ukrainian people as symbols of the affirmation of the national isolation and originality, the primordial aspiration of their own statehood and domination are taken as the basis of the symbolic definition of the state. The revealed legal unresolved status of the state flag and the emblem is a sign of the cultural crisis - the opposition of cultural values based on the Soviet and Russian traditions and the primordial national aspirations, which is clearly demonstrated by the war in the East of Ukraine.


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