
  • N Stronska



librarianship, digital bibliographic resources, bibliography, reference books, biographical articles, biographical directory


Purpose of Article. The purposes of the article are to analyse the network bibliographical electronic resources of such countries as Canada, the USA, Russia, Belarus, Poland, and highlight the features of experience in the creation of the World Encyclopaedia of librarian and information service, developed in the United States. Methodology. The methodological basis of the study is general theoretical research methods such as analysis and synthesis, which allow to investigate the design features and the effectiveness and feasibility of establishing integrated Bibliographic resources of different countries. The comparative method helps to do the comparison of sectoral Bibliographic resources, to analyse their common typological features. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is the first time when the author analyse the electronic Bibliographic resources, created in different countries, based on the study of the general principles of structuring, fixed sectors, and reference-bibliographic information and publications underlying information blocks. Conclusions. The Bibliographic Network resources are important components of the information in the public domain for different categories of users. The analysed the international experience in the development and creation of electronic resources such as personal archive enables complex search information. In considering the resources, the attention is paid to the main components of electronic resources that allow you to search various key topics. Comparative characteristics of network bibliographic electronic resources reveal opportunities and prospects of their implementation in Ukraine.


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