
  • Igor Perenesienko



library classification, document, systematization, indexing


The purpose of the research consists in studying and generalization the role of library classification as one of the modern types of organizing information. The methodological basis is founded on the method of theoretical analysis, which allowed to investigate the problem of using library classification schemes in order to organize electronic resources. The scientific novelty of the paper. The present article deals with the theoretical questions of library classification systems. The differences between their main types and certain features of the internal structure are analyzed. The attention is focused on some historical and cultural aspects of library classifications. There have been revealed some theoretical aspects of the information consolidation by using demonstration of logical connections of the documents of related subjects. Scientific completeness of reporting contents of certain documents is considered as a form of knowledge presentation through library classifications. Conclusions. Knowledge needs document classification. Therefore, the latter also is needed for other kinds of information services. Documents indexed by library classifications represent organized information, which we can render more useful providing we learn more about the systems, by which they are organized.


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