
  • Tahir Sadigov



library activity in social networks, e-librarianship, virtual information space, innovative librarianship, library projects, the rating


The purpose of the study is to form a coherent set of actions and events for library projects with the use of social networks as platforms for virtual communication. As social networks today form the specific information environment that unites together participants with the same interests, the integration of libraries in this space with targeted provision of information is essential. The research methodology involves using the comparative as well as generalization and analysis methods. Scientific novelty. As a rule, in social networks, inadequate information prevails and, therefore, it creates harmful information environment. The lack of monitoring of rational and relevant information contributes to this process. From this point of view, the developing of social networks, their technical, technological, mass possibilities and special features of their information processes are systematically studied. Conclusions. Monitoring, conducted by professional librarians, indicates that the work on creating the library virtual image and rating assessment of library structures in social networks is being carried out, but mainly spontaneously. If this work is carried out systematically and purposefully, the motivation of the regional libraries will increase and the efficiency of libraries in the single information space will be high.


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