
  • Ludmyla Cherednyk




rare book, rarity, book sight, document, artifact, edition, architecture, society


Purpose of the article. The study is connected with the analysis of the content of rare books of the early twentieth century stored in the fund of the Scientific and Technical Library of the Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk as one of the types of document and edition, the evolution of the concept of «rare book» in the scientific aspect, while publications. The methodology of the research consists in the use of descriptive, historical-logical methods and the method of analysis. This methodological approach allows one to analyze rare books with the aim of studying them as a separate type of document, characterize the specificity of filling the content of publications of different periods, the features of the presentation of printed material, and contribute to the cognition of social life in the period under study. The scientific novelty of the work is to deepen the knowledge of students about the book as a cultural monument and a literary source. Analysis of the content of popular publications of the early twentieth century provides an opportunity to examine the features of people’s lives of that time, is cognitive with the aim of expanding the reader’s worldview. Conclusions. The ability to perceive, comprehend, interpret materials from historical sources of different periods is an excellent guarantee of the pursuit of scientific research, which should be taught to students. The work with rare and valuable publications from the library’s funds of the university is intended to interest students and encourage them to study historical sources.

Author Biography

Ludmyla Cherednyk

PhD, Associate Professor of Philology, Associate Professor of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation Department, Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk


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