
  • Kateryna Redka



information technologies, info-communications, info-communication services, electronic programs, DESI, web resource


The purpose of the article is to reveal the problem of strategic guidelines for the development of info-communications at the economic, industrial and educational levels. Characterized by different levels of information services, in the context of information technology development. Proposals are being made regarding the improvement of information communication processes at the national level. Methodology. In the article the conceptual tasks are solved: the category of “info communication” is revealed at the system and functional levels; on the basis of comparative and analytical methods, the spheres of influence of info-communication on educational, economic, on the basis of analysis of legislative documents are highlighted, strategic guidelines for the development of info-communications in Ukraine are determined. The scientific novelty of the research is the disclosure of the “Strategy of Information Development of Ukraine until 2020”, which has not yet been considered by scholars. On the basis of the proposed program, the strategies for further development of the information society in Ukraine as an innovative society are solved. Among the most important problems are: raising the level of computer literacy of the population and introducing and using ICT opportunities in the socio-cultural sphere and other sectors of the economy, based on the development and implementation of relevant sectoral and cross-sectoral programs; overcoming of digital inequality in the access of Ukrainian citizens to electronic communications and information resources; introduction of mechanisms for the development of the industrial Internet market based on the development of industry standards with the aim of accelerating the harmonization of national legislation with the norms of the law of the European Union; improvement of the mechanisms of protection of the rights of consumers of telecommunication services in the event of termination of operators. Conclusions. The strategic tasks of creating a modern innovation system, including technological and scientific parks, venture funds, technology transfer networks, etc., require the introduction of a mechanism of public-private (public-private) partnerships in the innovation sector and should be aimed at the legislative establishment of incentive features for new productions, as well as companies in the field of info-communications. The need for the development of the area ofinfo-communication is one of the priorities in the plans to ensure the development of innovative infrastructure, the effective operation of which guarantees the interaction of subjects and objects of innovation activity, as well as access to various information resources, which, in turn, will increase the efficiency of the use of innovative potential countries.

Author Biography

Kateryna Redka

Graduate Student,
Kharkiv State Academy of Culture


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