
  • Yuliia Polovynchak



collective memory, politics of memory, historical consciousness, interactive information space, digital media


The purpose of the article. The research is devoted to the identification of features of usage of digital media and tools for fixing and representation of socially significant events of the past, popularizing of history and commemoration. Methodology. The applied methods of the research provided the participant observation that has allowed to reveal and analyze substantial discursive situations and texts. The purposes of the description and socio-cultural interpretation of versions enable working with the units of analysis with the subjective values and feelings which are broadcasted on the Internet. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the identification of commemorative practices considering the interactivity potential created by social media. Conclusions. Social media acquire the alternative mass media status and at the same time act as space for expansion the public practices including commemorative. In comparison with the traditional mechanism of lobbying of ideological projects, the web format is the most democratic and mass; it is turning into the potential subject of the discourse of everyone’s memory who was connected to Global Network.

Author Biography

Yuliia Polovynchak

Candidate of Historical Sciences,
Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine,
Director of National Law Library


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