
  • Svitlana Lisina



Periodicals, OUN, press service, ’Surma, ’ ‘Renewal of the Nation, ’ military publicists


The purpose of the article is to analyze the nationalist periodicals of the OUN ‘Surma’ and ‘Renewal of the Nation.’ At the same time, thematic publications on military issues were investigated, and their organizing role in the national liberation struggle of Ukrainian people was represented. The methodology of the reseaкch is to apply analytical-synoptic, logical methods which made it possible to present theoretical views on the  periodicals of the military organization. The scientific novelty of the work is that the article substantiates the significance of military periodicals OUN as a propagandist of the ideas of Ukrainian organized nationalism among the broad masses; the military issues of the magazines ‘Surma’ and ‘Renewal of the Nation’ is presented; it is characterized the main users of the nationalist press organs on ideological political and military issues: J. Konoval’tsa, R. Jaroho, R. Sushka with the cooperation of V. Kolosovs’koho, V. Kurmanovycha and M. Kapust’ans’koho. Conclusions. The periodicals of OUN were a mechanism for the spread of nationalist ideas in different countries of Ukrainian emigration and provided for the deployment and active work of Ukrainian national liberation forces. During 30s years leading nationalists elaborated the main provisions of nationalist doctrine, which resulted in the Ukrainian national liberation movement gaining a firm ideological basis. Nationalist magazines contributed to the national awareness and consolidation of the occupied Ukrainian lands, separated by the borders of the occupying powers.

Author Biography

Svitlana Lisina

Candidate of Historical Sciences,
Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of Social
Communications and Information
National University “Lviv Polytechnic”


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