
  • Konstantin Korniichuk




electronic document, electronic ticket, electronic document management system, E-freight, Single window, transport industry


The purpose of the article is to study the modern experience of using electronic document management systems in the transport industry by the research of the system «E-freight,» that used in international aviation freight transportation and the information system of the port community of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority. The methodology of the research involves general scientific methods (critical analysis & synthesis of information), which has helped to look the structure and basic functions of these systems closely. The scientific novelty of the paper is that it has studied the systems of electronic document circulation, which are used for organization of freight transportation. Conclusions. In the practice of domestic enterprises-carriers, the implementing of electronic document management systems based on the «Single Window» principle is uneven. At present, the aircraft and automotive industry are deprived of such a technological system. The main functional characteristics, which should serve as a guidelines for the domestic systems of electronic document circulation based on the «Single Window» principle, are: increase transparency of documentary operations related to the transport; increase the accuracy of data entered into the system; simultaneous access to the system of authorized users; reduction of paper documents by replacing them into electronic documents; providing legal force to electronic documents; the introduction of user-friendly tools for generating reports and analyzing data; ensuring effective interaction between public authorities and private individuals. Comparison of the e-freight system and the «Single Window» allows to state that the latter provides an adequate level of performance of the primary functions for ensuring electronic document flow between the participants in the process of cargo transportation.

Author Biography

Konstantin Korniichuk

post-graduate student of the department of information-document systems
Kharkiv State Academy of Culture


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