
  • Оlena Shevchenko Doctor of Science in Social Communications, Professor Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine



system document management, industry document information, communication environment, trading industry of Ukraine


The purpose of the work. The research is related to the disclosure of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the documentation system of the Ukrainian trade sector, which is closely related to its objectives, functions and organizational structure, its components are interrelated with the communication processes of the internal and external documentary environments. The methodology of the research is to apply sociocommunicative and systematic approaches, which has allowed to substantiate the essence and features of the system of documentation support of the Ukrainian trade sector, to identify the main structural elements of the sectorial documentation system, to find out their varied characteristics, communication interrelations and the role of its components. The scientific novelty of the work is that the system of documentary support of the trade industry is proposed to be understood as a dynamic document system in the unity of its object and subjective subsystems: the accompanying and identifying trade documentation, which provides industry information of the subjects of trade activity. Conclusions. The documentation system, which reflects and secures the trading activity of the Ukrainian state, should now be a powerful tool that can document business processes, improve the processes of business communication and correct the behavior of its members.


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