
  • Olha Tievikova Assistant Professor, сandidate of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Ukrainian Studies, Cultural and Documentation, Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk, Ukraine
  • Ludmila Derevianko Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor of Ukrainian Studies, Cultural and Documentation, Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk, Ukraine



liberalization, library, book stock, ideological propaganda, agitation, censorship, national identity


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the research is to reveal the role and significance of libraries as the social institutions in the Ukrainian society of the Khrushchev “thaw” period (1953 - 1964) on the basis of analysis of the State Archives of the Poltava Region materials. Methodology of the research includes logical, institutional, analytical, problematic, chronological, historical-genetic, and historical-systemic methods, methods of comparison, analogy, synthesis, and analysis. Scientific novelty of the work is a claim that state ideological control limited the activity of libraries as well as formed the appropriate world view and stereotypes of Ukrainians’ critical thinking. At the same time, the weakening of ideological pressure led to the expansion of the accessible information boundaries, contributed to the loosening of the communist system as well as the establishment of new thinking. Conclusions. The processes of de-Stalinization had both positive and negative consequences. The libraries possessed a significant role in the powerful ideological system of the Soviet state, formed people with a corresponding stereotype of reality perception, did not contribute to the popularization of Ukrainian culture, and the development of national identity. Moreover, modernization, democratization, and thinking humanization phenomena were developed with the help of libraries.


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