
  • Ganna Yermolayeva Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Document Science and Information Systems Department, Separated Subdivision «Mykolaiv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts», Ukraine



socio-psychological characteristics, professional characteristics, library specialists, sociological research


The purpose of the work. The article deals with the results of sociological studies of library specialists conducted in Ukraine of the recent years. The methodology of the research bases on the theoretical methods (documentary analysis, analytical and synthetic information processing) which enable to identify and generalize the development of the issues that are related to the study of socio-demographic, psychological, and professional characteristics of library specialists. The scientific novelty of the work is produced with the help of generalization approach of sociological research from 1992 to 2016 and the study of the Ukrainian libraries management team. Conclusions. The examination of Ukrainian scientific school of library professiology and the social image of the Ukrainian librarian has been formed on the basis of the sociological and practical evaluation of Ukrainian libraries. Moreover, the age, educational level, professional skills as well as psychological characteristics of the librarian have been determined by the research.


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