
  • Liliia Prokopenko Candidate of Historical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science Department of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



the retrospective of national bibliography of Sweden, the history of bibliography, the foreign bibliography, the Royal (National) Library of Sweden


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the research is a historical and bibliographical generalization of the basic directions and results of the development of national bibliography of Sweden for ХVII-ХХІ centuries. Methodology. The methodology of research is based on the principles of historical method, objectivity, comprehensiveness, and continuity. From the positions of scientific methodology, a problem is examined on the basis of historical and system approaches. The solution of the tasks was carried out by the system of scientific, historical and bibliographic methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, etc.), empiric (description), comparative, retrospective, chronological, study of the literary and bibliographic sources. Scientific novelty of the study consists in the representation of the entire picture of the establishment and evolution of the national bibliography of Sweden retrospective; the analysis is made of the main retrospective bibliographies; the contribution of some bibliographers and institutions is defined. The possibility of using the national bibliography of Sweden retrospective achievements for the improvement of national bibliographic production of Ukraine is summarized. Conclusions. Some of the national bibliographic retrospective indexes of Sweden have a regional general-Scandinavian character, combining the publications of several Scandinavian languages. The creation of the retrospective national bibliography of Sweden is closely linked with the activities of libraries, where prominent bibliographers worked. Perfect quality of compilation distinguishes considered retrospective national bibliographic products. The achievement of national bibliography of Sweden is that the final accounting period of its retrospective component directly adjoins to the opening terms of the current one which makes it possible to reach the entire printed production of the country. A prospective study requires both historical aspects and modern innovative projects of the current national bibliography of Sweden.


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