
  • Maria Komova Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Social Communications and Information Activities Department National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Ukraine



document, fact, interpretation, interpretive documentary field, interpretive factual field, factual field


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the work is substantiation of the «interpretive documentary field» term and the establishment of systematicity and integrity of its structural elements. Methodology. The methodology of the research is based on the using of general and particular methods: analysis, synthesis, logical method, method of the visual research. The application of analytical-synthetic and logical methods made it possible to present the original theoretical position on the interpretive documentary field to formulate its definition, determine the mechanism of its structural elements interaction, establish its place in terms of the communication process. The visualization of the theoretical positions gave the opportunity to graphically present the results of the research, to emphasize the systematic and integrative components of the interpretive documentary field. Scientific novelty consists in the formulation and substantiation of the «interpretive documentary field» term, and its positioning in the communication process is determined; correlation establishment between interpretive documentary, interpretive factual, and factual fields; determination of the of the interpretive documentary field structure. Conclusions. Interpretive documentary field forms a mass communication environment in which factual and documentary information undergoes a purposeful interpretation, transforms into an information product, and disseminates by means of communication for changing behavior and state of social consciousness. Interpretive documentary field integrates the set of interpretive factual areas since one document can interpret an arbitrary number of different facts and their interpretations. The interpretive factual field is implemented as a mass communication medium where the fact of interpretations plurality is commonly used in communication as a component of the knowledge management system. The factual field formed a complex of information about changes in the social environment, presentation of which is integrated with lexical, grammatical, logical, stylistic connections, has a definite and pragmatic guideline. The components of the interpretive documentary field are complex, dynamic systems as well as connected by logical and causal relations.


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