
  • Sergii Yatsenco кандидат наук з державного управління, старший викладач Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв, Ukraine



communication, interaction, perception, kinesics, proxemics, rhetoric


Purpose of Article. The work aims to reveal the methodological potential of the modern business communication conception. Methodology. The conceptual methodology core of the research is the comparative analysis of the theoretic-methodological tools of the contemporary notion of business communication. The certain approach allows individuals to reveal general and specific properties in the modern conception of business communication, to show its theoretical model, structure, and to identify its primary functions concerning modern Public Administration. Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty of the work consists of the conceptualization of the business communication and its understanding within the language problematics discourse. Conclusions. The feasibility of using the conception of modern business communication and its modifications for Public Administration has been proven scientifically. Theoretical and methodological paradigms which are given in the article, join the reader to the sphere of modern conception of business communication as well as stimulate the audience to look for the new ways of studying the interpersonal interaction.


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