
  • Oleksandr Isayenko Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Library and Information Science Department of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



media consumption, functions of the media consumption, media culture, socio-communicative model, communicative environment, media consumer, mass media


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the work is to construct a socio-communicative model of the media consumption at the present stage of society's development using the analyzed content of the primary functions of the media culture as a phenomenon that became perceived as one of the critical factors causing fundamental changes in the field of social life. Methodology. The semiotic and structural-functional analysis became the methodological basis of the socio-economic analysis of the medieval reality. Socio-communicative study of the media consumption as a sociocultural phenomenon is realized with the help of an integrated approach based on different levels of system analysis. Scientific novelty of the study is the use of socio-communicative analysis of the media reality as a sociocultural phenomenon in constructing a socio-communicative model of the media consumption at the present stage of society development which enabled to reveal a communicative component in the subsystems of the model and to show the interconnection between all its links by analyzing the content of the main functions of media culture. Conclusions. Media consumption is a factor for updating the potentially existing but unrealized links of the social system elements. The mediation processes underlies the media consumption as well as includes the structures of mediation, performs various functions of social processes that are presented within the results in terms of the communicative space of the modern world, the complex system of mediation of social communication and the hidden increase in the context of social influence. The idea that socio-communicative model of the media consumption consists of a number of functional elements which are based on the communicative component was proved successfully.


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