
  • Tаtiana Sydorenko Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, Appointed docent of Information, Library and Archives Sciences Department, Mykolaiv Department, Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



cultural and educational activities, cultural and leisure activities, mass work, public library, forms of cultural and leisure activities, South of Ukraine


Purpose of Article. The research raises questions of analysis and generalization of the experience of public libraries of the South of Ukraine in the 90's of the 20th century in cultural and leisure activities. Мethodology. The methodological basis of the research is the socio-communicative approach, general theoretical methods, comparative analysis, which allowed to investigate the transformational processes of cultural and leisure activities of the specified period. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the study of cultural and entertainment events, based on the principles of complexity, differential approach, and continuity. Conclusions. Cultural and leisure activities of libraries, formed in the 90's of the 20's century, are a deliberate process of creating conditions for a motivated personality choice of substantive action; a communicative process that promotes the assimilation, production, and distribution of spiritual and material values in the field of leisure. The stimulation, improvisation, the method of equal interaction, as well as game methods, are used by public libraries in the South of Ukraine in cultural and entertainment activities of the 90's of the 20th century. Cultural and leisure activities of the specified period are characterized by the use of traditional forms and the introduction of new ones.


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