
  • Yuriy Paleкha Head of the Department of Documentation and Information-Analytical Activities, professor of European University, Ukraine



rating, periodicals, bibliographic databases, scientific literature, international scientific space


Purpose of Article. The article deals with analyzing the state of publication activity of Ukrainian scientists in prestigious international journals, the rating of Ukrainian periodicals in bibliographic scientific literature databases and offers methods of strengthening the authority of Ukrainian science. Мethodology. The methodology of study provides a systematic approach and principle of moving from abstract to concrete. Scientific Novelty. The novelty of the research consists in expanding the list of methods for improving an international rating of domestic scientific institutions, universities, and scientists. Ways of scientific publications promotion into the global scientific and information space were offered. The author’s practical educational book “Scientific Research Basics: Competitive Presentation Of Creative Activity Results” was presented. Conclusions. Encouragement of information and analytical activities development in Ukraine should be based on monitoring of the international scientific information flow, analysis of the level of citation of scientists and influential indexes of university periodicals, promotion of scientific works into the world’s leading bibliographic and science-computer databases, increase of the nomenclature of domestic and foreign scientific information resources by the acquisition of access to licensed electronic full-text and science-computer databases by university libraries.


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