
  • Irina Verezomska Ph.D of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Hotel and Restaurant Business Department, Kyiv University of Culture, Ukraine
  • Oksana Oliinyk Assistant of the Hotel and Restaurant Business Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



social communications, hotel and restaurant business, culture, manipulation, media


Purpose of Article. The article aims to analyze the specifics of the multifactor impact of social communications on hotel and restaurant business. Мethodology. The research methodology involves the use of a comparative method, methods of analysis and synthesis. The scientific novelty consists in outlining the main ways of the modern productive interaction of social communications and other areas of human existence in general and the restaurant business in particular. Conclusions. The development of the hotel and restaurant business cannot be imagined separately from other spheres of human existence. Formation of a certain level of institutions should correspond to the needs of consumers. Social communications are an integral part of society's life, with both positive and negative aspects. Their influence and interrelation with the hotel and restaurant business can be manifested multileveled, including the manipulation of consciousness through social networks, social media (television) and particular print media. Due to the emphasis on individual critical elements for a specific institution, significant popularization can be achieved, which will affect the further share of institutions.


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