


PR in the sphere of culture, propaganda, E. Burneyz, Ivy Lee, S. Black


The purpose of the article is to study, based on the analysis of the works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists, a historiography of the development of such a phenomenon as PR in the sphere of culture. The methodology of the research is based on the use of analytical, systematic, historiographic and comparative methods of analysis, which allows to identify the main stages and characteristic features in the development of the historiography of the PR phenomenon in the sphere of culture on the basis of studying both the foreign body of work and domestic research. Scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time the essential scientific actions on the development of PR activity in the sphere of culture through their historiographic analysis and determination of common trends of foreign and domestic research are summarized. Conclusions. The historical and cultural digression into the development of PR in the sphere of culture allows us to say that the local forms of this phenomenon during all periods of their formation - and up to the period of independence adequately embodied the acquired cultural experience, adapting the general artistic process and acting to some extent as a generator of the new, expressing new worldview changes. To date, the issue of popularizing cultural events and institutions is very relevant from developing a PR strategy. The problems of introducing the services of cultural institutions and related procedures for determining the quality, efficiency, and impact on the needs of the population in cultural goods have become the subject of discussion in the sectoral periodical press and, in general, have entered into the theoretical scientific discourse.

Author Biography

Nadiya Vartsaba

Senior Lecturer Department
of Public Relations and Journalism
Faculty of International Relations and Journalism
Kyiv National University Сulture and arts


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