


management of cultural and artistic sphere, manager of culture, professionalism, communicative competence, communicative culture


The purpose of the article is the characteristic of communicative competence as a component of the professionalism of the cultural manager. The methodology of the research is based on the analysis of professional expertise in the aspect of the specialty of the manager of culture; generalization and identification of the features of communicative competence regarding the activities of the cultural manager. The scientific novelty of the work consists of the theoretical generalization of communicative competence as a component of the professionalism of the cultural manager. The critical role of communicating and managing communicative processes during the establishment of professional and competent management in the field of culture is singled out. It is proved that the communicative competence of the cultural manager for useful application involves not only proper moral and psychological and cognitive elements, but also the development of an appropriate strategy based on the primary purpose of the management of the cultural and artistic sphere, for the realization of which the communicative culture must be balanced and harmoniously combine emotional culture and the culture of thinking, the culture of speech and the culture of nonverbal behavior. Conclusions. Consequently, one of the essential and critical components of the professional image of the cultural manager is communicative competence and culture. In addition to the necessary moral and psychological qualities, erudition, economic and legal literacy, the manager in the field of cultural and artistic and socio-cultural orientation should have a deep understanding of the nature of communication and be able to manage communicative processes, that is, to take a subjective and active position aimed at creating the necessary financial- economic, legal and technological conditions for the realization of cultural goods. The culture of communication of a manager is co-evolutionary about the formation of his professional culture. It involves not only mastering the future specialist in this field of basic knowledge of the theory and practice of communication, not only understanding the laws of effective communication and the principles of professional ethics, but also taking into account the specifics of socio-cultural design, management and marketing, the value of culture and creativity in modern society, the development of an appropriate strategy for the realization of which should be balanced its communicative culture (a harmonious combination of emotional culture and culture of thought, the culture of speech and culture of non-verbal behavior).

Author Biography

Olena Diba

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Kiev National University
Culture and Arts


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