
  • Sergiі Lytvyn National Academy of Managing Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Viktoriya Dobrovolska National Academy of Managing Culture and Arts, Ukraine



scientific journal, library science, document science, informology, social communication, communication space


The purpose of the article. To carry out a thematic review of articles published in the journal “Library Science. Record Studies. Informology”. The methodology is to use general scientific methods and special methods: analysis, synthesis, logical method, a method of visualization of research results. Scientific novelty is to analyze the thematic component of publications for 15 years (from 2004 to 2018), which reveal the  main areas of research presented in the journal. Conclusions. The review of publications shows that the magazine has become an important historical source that retains the results of scientific research and research on information, librarianship and archival affairs. The content of publications allows to analyze trends in  the development of science and practice of the document and information industry, the activity of separate archives, libraries, museums, scientific institutions, institutions of higher education, and training of specialists in the field, which in turn increases the level of knowledge and communication between specialists.

Author Biographies

Sergiі Lytvyn, National Academy of Managing Culture and Arts

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and International Relations

Viktoriya Dobrovolska, National Academy of Managing Culture and Arts

Doctor of Philosophy in Social communications, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Informational Communications 


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