
  • Valeriia Vasylenko Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine



positive image, higher education institution, socio-communicative technologies.


The purpose of the present article is to define the peculiarities of applying the socio-communicative technologies in the formation of positive image of a higher education institution. The methodology of the research is based on the general scientific and special methods of cognition such us analysis, synthesis, logical method, monitoring and the method of visualization of the research results. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that components of the higher education institution image creation are investigated in the context of their qualitative and quantitative indicators. The peculiarities of applying socio-communication technologies in the process of developing a higher education institution’s positive image are determined. In the conclusions the author determines that in the process of developing a unique, emotionally-colored image of an institution of higher education in the consciousness of its target audience, it is necessary to take into account certain peculiarities of using socio-communicational technologies such as the coverage of scientific activity of teachers and students of the HEI, operational updating and provision of information on general issues about educational activity, development and support of social activity of the institution, the opportunity to present a visual demonstration of teacher’s pedagogical abilities, advertising and increasing the popularity of the HEI, forming a positive attitude towards the organization of educational process.

Author Biography

Valeriia Vasylenko, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

Information Supply Officer


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