
  • Oksana Matvienko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Michael Tsyvin Institute of Advertising, Ukraine



рrofessional education, document studies.


The purpose of the work is to identify the contradictions available for the purpose of training specialists in the specialty 015.05 Professional Education (Documentation). Methods of research: analysis of the documentary flow of publications on the training of specialists in the specialty 015.05 Professional education (document science), the method of analogy for the identification of common and differences in the training of documentologists in Ukraine; a method of concretization for a detailed study of the phenomenon of training documentologists in the specialty 015 vocational education in the current conditions. The scientific novelty consists in characterizing the revealed contradictions in the preparation of a document scientist within the pedagogical specialty 015 Vocational education. Conclusions. The content and objectives of the training of teachers of vocational education with the specialization “Documentation” require a scientific justification for the specialty 015 Vocational education in accordance with the qualification requirements of the standard of document and information education.

Author Biographies

Oksana Matvienko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Pedagogy, Ph.D., Professor, Professor of the Department of Documentation and information-analytical activity

Michael Tsyvin, Institute of Advertising

Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Architectural Design


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