
  • Valentyna Bezdrabko Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine




standard, terminology, record keeping, archival affairs, Document Science, Archival Science.


The purpose of the study is to determine the general principles for the development of a national terminology standard for record keeping and archival affairs. The methodology of the research was consisted of methods of scientific critique, historical-chronological, structural-system methods of studying terminology as a phenomenon, its standardization and presentation of essential results. The scientific novelty of the  study is to determine the general aspects of terminology applied activities in the context of standardization, which is dependent on the fields of application. Conclusions. Due to the precise scope of application, the interdependence of the practice of working with documents - record keeping and archival affairs, we should abandon the tradition of Soviet-era standards and remove from dictionaries the lexemes that are not relevant to record keeping, although they are used by archivists, but are not related to it. The structure of the standard should correspond to the main areas of work with documents: from the process of their creation to distribution and existence in the dynamic and static states. It seems expedient to group lexemes according to their place and role in the terminology system. The dictionary cannot claim to be comprehensive and should contain only the most important lexical units, concepts that have sufficient grounds for terminology. Only certain minor words that ensure the functioning of the subsystems are worthy of a place in the dictionary. Most of the dictionary should consist of established terms with refined wording and definitions. This will stabilize and at the same time preserve the terminology of these spheres of public activity. It is appropriate to develop a separate national standard devoted exclusively to electronic documents, document circulation, record keeping and archives. That is why it makes sense to consider the «entry» into the dictionary of only those of them, which constitute the «core» of the terminology of electronic record keeping and archival affairs, which will balance the expediency and necessity. The need for normalization of the terminology system of record keeping and archival affairs recognizes the key points of the revision of the standard.

Author Biography

Valentyna Bezdrabko, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Head Department of Document Science, Information and Analytical Activities


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