
  • Tatyana Sydorenko Mykolaiv branch of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Evgeniy Tyagiy Kyiv University of Culture, Ukraine




electronic exhibition, State Archive of Mykolaiv region, archive resource, digitization of funds, archival institutions sites, archives of Ukraine.


The purpose of the work. Explore the main types and content of electronic exhibitions of the archive   as an information resource and a tool for the representation of historical heritage on the example of the analysis of the activities of the State Archive of Mykolaiv region.The research methodology. In the process of research were used scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, webometric analysis of the site. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the analysis of documentary online exhibitions of the state archive of the region, their classification, priority topics, features of the presentation of archival information, the use of interface capabilities. The content of the website of the State Archive of Mykolaiv region was analysed, in particular the sections “Documentary Online Exhibitions”, “Archive Activities”, “Publications on the Website”. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the importance and necessity of presenting documentary online exhibitions on archives sites, deciding on digitization of documents necessary for filling documentary exhibitions regarding the representation of archival information for remote customer service was justified. It has been proved that thematic electronic exhibitions of archival documents contribute to the availability of archival information for different segments of the population, self-education, increasing interest in the history and culture of the region.

Author Biographies

Tatyana Sydorenko, Mykolaiv branch of Kiev National University of Culture and Arts

Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, appointed docent of the Department of information,

library and archives sciences

Evgeniy Tyagiy, Kyiv University of Culture

Master's Degree Student


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