
  • Nataliуa Kovalchuk National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Purpose of Aritcle. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of information technologies in the documentation system of the management activities of the library. Methodology. The research methodology consists in the application of the system approach, a set of such general scientific meth


Purpose of Aritcle. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of information technologies in the documentation system of the management activities of the library. Methodology. The research methodology consists in the application of the system approach, a set of such general scientific methods as informational, socio-communicative, analysis and generalization are used. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is about systematization of information about the application of modern information technology in the organization of documentation of the management of the library. Conclusions. In accordance with the above, we can conclude that the organization of documenting the management of the library is oriented on the use of modern information technology and network of various configurations, automation of control over the implementation of management decisions, replacement of a paper document with an electronic carrier of information, etc. The development of these tools necessitates the adoption of technical and programmatic solutions that implement the concept of data processing within the administrative structures of the divisions and the institution as a whole.

Author Biography

Nataliуa Kovalchuk, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts

PhD-candidate of the Department of Cultural studies and Informational communications


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