
  • Volodimir Varenko Kyiv national university of culture and arts, Ukraine



information analytics, technology, managerial decision


The goal of the work.The article covers modern views on information and analytical activity, new tendencies, challenges, threats that arise in the period of changes, modification of the analyst, and its adaptation to them. The methodology of the research is to apply the methods of description, generalization and system approach. Scientific novelty of the work consists in generalization and systematization of modern tendencies and innovative technologies in the information-analytical activity within the limits of one research. Conclusions. The far-incomplete list of changes and trends that are firmly entrenched in the life and professional activity of modern analyst / manager is proposed. A new, continuous, on-line, operational analysis will quickly conquer the living space, forcing information professionals to adapt to new conditions at all times.

Author Biography

Volodimir Varenko, Kyiv national university of culture and arts

candidate of pedagogical sciences, аssociate professor, аssociate professor of the Department of documentation and information and analytical activity


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